Our Philosophy  

is grounded in the principle of empowering businesses with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of international trade successfully. We believe in providing practical, actionable insights that can be applied immediately, transforming challenges into opportunities for growth. Our courses are designed to demystify the process of exporting, making global expansion accessible to startups and SMEs alike. At the core of our approach is a commitment to fostering a community of learners and leaders who are not just participants but active contributors to the global marketplace. Through collaboration, innovation, and a deep understanding of international business dynamics, ExportStars aims to equip every learner with the tools they need to excel on the world stage.

Our Mission 

 is to equip startups and SMEs with the comprehensive knowledge, strategies, and tools necessary for successful international expansion. Through our meticulously designed online courses, personalized mentoring sessions, and extensive library of resources, we cover every aspect of exporting—from understanding market regulations and cultural nuances to mastering logistics and international marketing strategies. Our offerings go beyond education; we foster a supportive community where entrepreneurs can connect, share experiences, and collaborate on ventures, ensuring you're well-prepared to meet the demands of the international market and seize the opportunities it presents.

Our services

extend to two tiers of the online Export Manager Course to suit your needs. Gain access to comprehensive modules covering essential topics like market research, strategy development, logistics, and compliance. In addition, unlock a wealth of downloadable resources including templates, plans, and guidelines to streamline your export process.

Our philosophy

at Koestinger revolves around the transformative power of expert guidance in the entrepreneurial journey. We believe that every startup and SME holds the potential to achieve remarkable growth and global impact, with the right mentorship and support. At the heart of our approach is the conviction that wisdom, when shared, becomes the catalyst for innovation and success. Our commitment is to empower, inspire, and lead by example, demonstrating that with passion and knowledge, any business vision can become a reality.

Our focus 

is on delivering tailor-made consulting services that address the unique challenges and opportunities of international expansion. From incubator and accelerator programs designed to fast-track business growth to bespoke strategies for navigating the complexities of global markets, Köstinger is dedicated to transforming potential into success.

Our services

expand beyond traditional consulting; we offer hands-on mentorship, practical workshops, and access to a wide network of industry experts and potential partners. By fostering a culture of learning, adaptation, and proactive strategy, Köstinger empowers businesses to not only enter but thrive in the international arena. Our commitment lies in building resilient, innovative, and sustainable companies ready to make their mark in their respective industries.